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Our Mission

Tennessee Freedom Circle works to protect and advance reproductive freedom. We are proud Tennesseans, and we will not stand by while our state's legislators endanger our freedom to decide whether, when, and with whom to have a family. Our growing statewide network of problem solvers and changemakers contributes time, personal experience, and expertise to help change our laws through education, advocacy, and voting.

Narrow Exceptions

Tennessee Freedom Circle advocated alongside healthcare providers for broader exceptions that would have allowed legal abortion care in all cases where a mother’s health OR life are at risk as well as for survivors of rape, incest, and human trafficking. Lawmakers eventually enacted narrower language that allows for legal abortion care only if a patient’s life is at risk and to “prevent serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the pregnant woman.”

It’s important to note that the language for these narrow exceptions was written by anti-abortion lobbyists. Medical providers, including doctors, opposed the language because it is confusing to hospitals and patients. 

Tennessee’s abortion ban remains one of the most extreme in the country. This is why we must keep speaking up to advance reproductive freedom.

One of the most important steps to help create
change is knowing who your legislators are.

One of the most important steps to help create change is knowing who your legislators are.

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