Tell Your Legislator
Tennessee’s Abortion Ban Puts Women at Risk

Call My Legislators:

  1. Enter your phone and address to identify which lawmakers represent you.

  2. Our system will call you and deliver a recording of instructions. Let them know you are a regular voter and your message to your values.

  3. When ready, just press the star key (*) to connect with your first lawmaker office.

  4. After each conversation, don't hang up, just press the * (star key) to move to the next set of instructions and next lawmaker.

  5. Let us know what you heard!

Sample Script

- This is just a guide. Feel free to make it your own. -

Good [morning/afternoon/evening], I’m calling as a constituent of [Senator/Representative LAST NAME].


Thank you so much for your service. As I mentioned, I’m calling as a constituent. Could you tell me the legislator’s position on additional changes to Tennessee’s abortion law? For example, does [Senator/Representative LAST NAME] support meaningful exceptions to protect the health of mothers, for fatal fetal anomalies, and for survivors of rape, incest, and human trafficking?

I’d like to leave a message for [Senator/Representative LAST NAME], asking them to support legislation creating exceptions to protect the health of mothers, for fatal fetal anomalies, and for survivors of rape, incest, and human trafficking. A majority of Tennesseans, across all party lines, agree on this issue. I can be reached at [PHONE NUMBER OR EMAIL], and look forward to discussing this issue with them directly. Thank you for your time.


Thank you so much for your service. As a constituent, I was wondering if you support additional changes to Tennessee’s abortion law. For example, do you support creating meaningful exceptions to protect the health of mothers, for fatal fetal anomalies, and for survivors of rape, incest, and human trafficking?

As your constituent, I support creating these meaningful exceptions, and so do a majority of Tennesseans, across all party lines. The current law continues to put women and children’s lives in danger. [INSERT PERSONAL REASONS FOR SUPPORTING MEANINGFUL CHANGES]. I am calling to ask you to put the lives of Tennesseans, our freedom, and our families first by supporting meaningful changes to Tennessee’s abortion law. Thank you for your time.

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